
Tree directory


npm install directoree


This function (the only one exported) in the package is meant to replace common general usecases for node's native fs/promises readdir module.

The name

The name might suggest that this somehow only works in unix or something but it's for a different reason. This package was born out of my discontent with win32 path conventions. In win32 paths use \ or \ instead of /. This package aims to read your input (whether it's a win32 path or unix path) and output unix style paths.

Recursive option

Setting { recursive : true } when calling unixreaddir will generate a tree structure of the directory you are trying to access.


For these examples the directory structure looks like this:

$ tree parent
├── sibling0
├── a
└── b
└── c
└── d.txt
├── file1.txt
└── subdir
├── file1.txt
└── file2.txt
├── sibling1
├── file1.txt
└── file2.txt
└── sibling2

Example 1. Basic readdir no options

import { unixreaddir } from "directoree";

unixreaddir("parent").then((result) => {
console.dir(result, { depth: null });
[ 'sibling0', 'sibling1', 'sibling2' ]

Example 2. { withFileTypes : true }

import { unixreaddir } from "directoree";

unixreaddir("parent", { withFileTypes: true }).then((result) => {
console.dir(result, { depth: null });
Dirent { name: 'sibling0', path: 'parent', [Symbol(type)]: 2 },
Dirent { name: 'sibling1', path: 'parent', [Symbol(type)]: 2 },
Dirent { name: 'sibling2', path: 'parent', [Symbol(type)]: 2 }

Check Dirent for more details.

Example 3. { recursive : true }

import { unixreaddir } from "directoree";

unixreaddir("parent", { recursive: true }).then((tree) => {
console.dir(tree, { depth: null });

TreeNode {
name: 'parent',
path: '.',
isFile: false,
children: [
TreeNode {
name: 'sibling0',
path: 'parent',
isFile: false,
children: [
TreeNode {
name: 'a',
path: 'parent/sibling0',
isFile: false,
children: [
TreeNode {
name: 'b',
path: 'parent/sibling0/a',
isFile: false,
children: [
TreeNode {
name: 'c',
path: 'parent/sibling0/a/b',
isFile: false,
children: [
TreeNode {
name: 'd.txt',
path: 'parent/sibling0/a/b/c',
isFile: true,
children: undefined
TreeNode {
name: 'file1.txt',
path: 'parent/sibling0',
isFile: true,
children: undefined
TreeNode {
name: 'subdir',
path: 'parent/sibling0',
isFile: false,
children: [
TreeNode {
name: 'file1.txt',
path: 'parent/sibling0/subdir',
isFile: true,
children: undefined
TreeNode {
name: 'file2.txt',
path: 'parent/sibling0/subdir',
isFile: true,
children: undefined
TreeNode {
name: 'sibling1',
path: 'parent',
isFile: false,
children: [
TreeNode {
name: 'file1.txt',
path: 'parent/sibling1',
isFile: true,
children: undefined
TreeNode {
name: 'file2.txt',
path: 'parent/sibling1',
isFile: true,
children: undefined
TreeNode {
name: 'sibling2',
path: 'parent',
isFile: false,
children: []


You can check the docs for more details.

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